Prophet 21 Worldwide User Group

Prophet 21 Worldwide User GroupThe P21WWUG is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping companies that run the Epicor Prophet 21 ERP. Members in the group help each other with challenges that they all share. Many member companies freely share information and resources that help other companies with P21.

P21 WWUG Connect Conference

The Prophet 21 worldwide user group also puts on an annual conference, called connect, where P21 users and consultants teach each other classes. The conference also has a vendors area where third-party vendors have booths that the users can visit the sponsors to see solutions that are provided by companies other that Epicor.

SimpleApps once again will be a vendor at the 2019 Connect conference in New Orleans for the sixth year in a row.

We work with companies that run Epicor Prophet 21 to find new ways to get information out of the P21 ERP and to their customers. Closing this information gap helps our clients work more closely with their customers to solve the issues that slow down the workflow. We often start with E-Commerce Website integration and a Native Mobile App to get information distributed as fast as possible and to where it needs to be. After that, we work with our clients to find the best open source software or to build custom software solutions that solve the real business challenges that they face working with their customers.

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